How to survive PTSD: from a survivor

2 min readAug 29, 2022

As the victim of appalling abuse from family members and peers alike, I am plagued by sudden flashbacks and vivid nightmares. So how do I manage my condition?

Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

I’ve always been a quiet child, more prone to spending breaks reading books alone than hanging out with the cool kids. Perhaps that is what made me such an easy target for abuse, as well as my weaker physical body (that comes from being a short girl). I was also more accepting of abuse as I was brought up in an abusive family, with physically violent elders and a strict, Asian culture that sanctified academic achievement above all else.

The school I went to was populated by students pushed by their families to achieve and the staff either did not understand nor care about the academic and social pressures facing their students. Also, teenagers in general are notorious for being bitches to each other. Mix in extreme academic pressure, nasty peers neglectful authority figures( and abusive white supremacist teachers)and it is no surprise that a vulnerable student committed suicide on a school day.

I couldn’t have a reprieve from the bullying at school because my parents were so uncaring about my suffering. They were obsessed with my academic success and ignored all other…




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